General Mills "Box Tops for Education" labels can be found in just about every grocery store nationwide. For a full list of current and participating products, click HERE. All you have to do to support our school is simply clip the Box Tops just outside of the dotted lines, being careful not to cut off the expiration date, and send them to school with your child for his/her classroom. Most supporters will simply hang a ziploc baggy on the refrigerator for easy collection purposes. Be sure to share this NO COST fundraising opportunity with all your family (even those outside of AZ), neighbors, church members and friends. Many of your friends and family (especially your grandparents!) would absolutely love the opportunity to support your child's school... so don't be afraid to ask.

Fun Collection Sheets
You can print these out at home. Just have your child pick one that he/she likes. A great place to have them is on your refrigerator. Watch how excited your child gets when it get close to completion! Please use tape or staples to attach the labels to the sheets then send it to school to be turn in. We kindly ask that you keep the sheet flat (not folded) because we stack these up one on top of other to bundle them. Thanks!
Don't forget to register as an on-line supporter of Marley Park too. You get access to numerous coupons that have Box Tops labels on them and gain other benefits too! Click here to register, it is quick and easy!